During the Summer months I have all my skeins of yarn staring at me from various places in my house. They're hanging out of baskets, or my knitting bin and even the guest room closet....just sitting there softly whispering to me....knit with me, knit with me, knit with me.....but I have excuses. "It's Summer, my yarn friends. It's too hot and I have vacations to do and friends to see."
Well, now it's the Fall and very soon to be Winter (as they are even predicting snow this week), UGH!!! But, now here I sit, staring back at the yarn. I had so many plans to knit. Knit hats, scarves, lap blankets, prayer shawls for Christmas gifts and now it is almost 2 months until Christmas and I'm not that fast at knitting. I don't even think Wonder Woman could knit fast enough to finish all the projects I wanted to accomplish before Christmas. I do this to myself every year. It's like a broken New Year's resolution. Every single year, I say, "If I start projects in January and knit until Spring, I'd be done. But I don't. I feel like a Christmas shopper on Christmas Eve. If only I fly to Australia during our Summer (because it's Winter there) and knit all Summer and then fly back and finish up the knitting on time. Then I won't have yarn whispering to me during the heated Summer months and I won't be looking at the skeins guilt ridden because I haven't paid them any attention.
So, the solutions are as follows: 1. Knit like a mad woman. Night and day and get them all done. 2. Pick only a couple of the projects and knit. 3. Knit all the easy ones and see where I end up on time or 4. Knit nothing and start the "New Year's resolution" syndrome all over again. I think I will end up working with a combination of 1 and 3 and go from there.
I love to knit and I want to knit more but I just make up all these excuses not too. Sometimes knitting is intimidating. It might be crooked. I might skip a stitch and look like it has a whole in it. The colors I pick might not match and it looks more like a 70's blanket. Sure, there are many excuses, but I have to suck it up and knit. Just pick up the needles and knit. Just pick a project and not be afraid of it and knit. Knit! Knit! Knit! We'll see how this little pep talk of mine does, but it is, indeed, my knitting conundrum. Happy Knitting to all of my fellow knitters and may your needles work with ease and your yarn keep untangled!
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